Niche Site Update – Month 3

laptop home office

Written by Liz

Just your regular 27-year-old, queer, super-introverted, FIRE-chasing, frugal Singaporean, who lives a pretty good life while earning only a modest salary, but still plans to retire at age 40 with $1,000,000. Click here to read more

October 11, 2020

Hi! Welcome to the third month update on the niche site.

Let’s jump straight into it.


Articles Published

As of the date of publishing this update, there are 12 blog posts up on my niche site.


  • Total Words Published: 154,014
  • Total Articles Published: 12

Further Details

Articles #1 to #7 were published in the updates for Month 1 and Month 2.

Articles #8 to #12 were published since the last update.

Article #8:

  • Words Written: 15,997
  • Date Published: 16 September 2020

Article #9:

  • Words Written: 18,269
  • Date Published: 25 September 2020

Article #10:

  • Words Written: 6,106
  • Date Published: 28 September 2020

Article #11:

  • Words Written: 10,538
  • Date Published: 30 September 2020

Article #12:

  • Words Written: 7,596
  • Date Published: 6 October 2020


The first 6 to 12 months of a new site are always the slowest, and my traffic and impressions confirmed that.

For the month of September 2020, I received 2 visitors, 33 sessions (totally inaccurate), and 241 impressions (people who see my articles popping up on search results).

CG - Google Analytics
CG - GSC (September 2020)

The session to visitor ratio is still mostly skewed by my girlfriend who likes to check up on my blog for updates.

While I still don’t have any traffic, I’m a little comforted by the number of impressions I received. In Month 2, I received only 25 impressions, whereas I received almost 10 times that amount in Month 3. I’m not sure where these impressions are coming from, but I’m not really concerned with that at the moment. I’m choosing to focus on just writing and churning out content.


As usual, I’m always slow to monetise, so I have no monetisation up yet. Even if I did, I probably won’t be earning anything.



On Goals

I managed to (finally) put up 4 posts for the month, which I’m happy with, although I meant to put up 5 posts and play catch up to my slacking off in the previous months.

Looks like I’m going to have to play catch up in October.

Despite September being a really rough month, I tried my best to push through and continue my writing habit. Some days it got really difficult, where I would sit and not write much at all, but at least I tried my best.

On Giving Up

I wouldn’t say that I’m burnt out, but I am a little bored of writing the same content every day.

I’m still far from giving up, though it’s only Month 3. We’ll see what happens in the next few months.


Goals for Month 4 (October 2020)

Again, I aim to write only 4 new articles for the entire month. This includes publishing, which I’m always procrastinating on.

However, I feel that this is becoming more doable as I am shortening my content, which makes writing and publishing a lot easier.

By the end of Month 4, I hope to have 16 articles published.

As always, thank you for reading and supporting this blog.

These niche site updates are a little boring now, but hopefully I’ll have more exciting updates after the 12-month mark. 3 months down, 9 more to go!

Become a Millionaire and Retire Early on a Modest Salary Book Cover

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  1. Daniel

    Hey Liz,

    big fan of your blog! I love your writing style.

    I’m currently starting a niche site too so we have about the same starting point. My site is at

    I think the amount of words your churning out each month is great, but have you considered breaking things up into smaller articles?

    First reason is that most people don’t have the attention-span to read a 10.000 word article.

    The second is with smaller articles you can also make more interlinked content, and google is more likely to view you as an authority and send you traffic when you have multiple crosslinked pages on the same subject, all ranking for different keywords.

    Let me know what you think!


    • Liz

      Hi Daniel! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words 🙂

      I think it’s awesome that you’re starting a niche site too! Is this your first site, or have you had experience starting other sites? I checked out your niche site, and it looks stunning! It looks so much better than mine! 🙂

      And you’re absolutely right with your suggestion! I think I’ll be splitting up each article into a content cluster so there’s less words per article, and more interlinking content. I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while already but have been so incredibly lazy to do so. But thanks to you I decided to get off my ass 🙂 So thank you for that.

      P.S. I’ve set my comment section to close after 2 weeks for each post on this Splurging on Freedom blog, so you won’t be able to respond to comments here after next week. But feel free to drop me an email at if you’d like to continue this conversation; I’d be more than happy!

      • Daniel

        Sent you an email!

        • Liz

          Thanks Daniel! Appreciate it loads. Sorry for the late responses, but I’ll definitely reply soon. Thanks for taking the time to drop me an email 🙂