Niche Site Update – Month 8

Computer and phone

Written by Liz

Just your regular 27-year-old, queer, super-introverted, FIRE-chasing, frugal Singaporean, who lives a pretty good life while earning only a modest salary, but still plans to retire at age 40 with $1,000,000. Click here to read more

March 31, 2021

Here are my Google Search Console stats for Month 8 of the niche site.
GSC Month 8
Again, I didn’t upload anything to the niche site. I seem to be struggling with video editing and filming for YouTube. But I suppose that’s normal, considering that I’ve never filmed or edited anything in my life until now.

Progress has been extremely slow with my new and improved content (also I struggle with perfectionism!) but I seem to be doing better with discipline and getting into the routine of things. I’m hoping to upload my first content cluster in the next 1-2 months.

As always, thank you for reading and supporting this blog.
Become a Millionaire and Retire Early on a Modest Salary Book Cover

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