Hi! Welcome back to another month-end net worth update.
A few things to note before we delve into the net worth update:
- I’m from Singapore. Therefore, I will be tracking my net worth in Singapore Dollars. In short, “S$”.
- However, for the benefit of readers who are more familiar with the currency of US Dollars, I’ve also included a simple conversion from S$ to US$ at certain parts of my net worth update.
- At the time of writing this post, the exchange rate of Singapore Dollars to US Dollars is S$1 to US$0.702. Conversely, US$1 is equal to S$1.42.
Let’s start off with an overview of my entire net worth.
As the market slid into bear territory in March, I wasn’t particularly worried. I don’t need the money anytime soon, and I plan to stay invested until I reach retirement.
That being said, as I did the math to calculate my net worth this month, it stung to know that not only have my gains from the past 5 years of investing (I started investing in 2015) been erased, I even lost a five-figure sum of my original capital.
This means that if I had not invested at all, I would have more money than I do now. Damn.
But that’s the price of admission, and I’m willing to grit my teeth to pay it. I just hope to see a great investment portfolio by the time I’m ready to retire.
In March, I deployed a lot of my cash as well as bonds to buy stock. I bought stock both in the Singapore market as well as in the U.S. market. This resulted in the damage not being as large as I expected it to be.
I’m grateful that I had cash and bonds to invest in the first place.
If you’re looking for more details of my net worth, here they are. ?
Brokerage Accounts
Singapore Portfolio
Bond Index ETF – S$30,926
Stock Index ETF – S$72,687
Individual Shares – S$17,787
Total – S$121,400 (US$85,223)
United States Portfolio
Stock Index ETF – US$13,374
Individual Shares – US$2,718
Total – S$22,850 (US$16,092)
Cash in Bank Accounts
Brokerage Account 1 – S$11,326
Brokerage Account 2 – S$19
Bank Account 1 – S$2,113
Bank Account 2 – S$631
Bank Account 3 – S$1,949
Bank Account 4 – S$504
Bank Account 5 – S$1,000
Cash on Hand – S$3,710
Total – S$21,252 (US$14,919)
Retirement Accounts
Retirement Account 1 – S$30,918
Retirement Account 2 – S$8,679
Retirement Account 3 – S$10,281
Total – S$49,878 (US$35,014)
And that’s it!
I hope to improve on these net worth updates over the months, in content and in form. Hope you stick around for that ?
Thanks for reading!