Niche Site Update – Month 7


Written by Liz

Just your regular 27-year-old, queer, super-introverted, FIRE-chasing, frugal Singaporean, who lives a pretty good life while earning only a modest salary, but still plans to retire at age 40 with $1,000,000. Click here to read more. 

February 28, 2021

Hi! Welcome to the 7th month update on the niche site.

Following the trend of my latest posts and considering that I’m taking a step back from this blog, this will be a pretty short update.

GSC - January 2021
Here are my Google Search Console stats for the niche site. I didn’t post anything new or even do anything on the site for that matter, for Month 7 (January).

What did I do this month?

Uhhh, admittedly, not a lot. I tried my best to learn video editing as much as possible (for the accompanying YouTube channel that I plan on starting), but I let life get in the way far too often. I still struggle with discipline, though I’m slowly changing that.

As always, thank you for reading and supporting this blog.
Become a Millionaire and Retire Early on a Modest Salary Book Cover

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  1. Daniel

    Glad to see that you haven’t given up. I hope you find the motivation to push forward as I really enjoy your posts and reading about your startup phase! This month I checked this blog every week to see if something new was added 🙂 Would you mail me back some time?

    • Liz

      Hi Daniel! Thank you so much for your kind words and I’m so sorry for the late reply. Actually I’ve found my recent posts quite subpar but I’m glad that you still enjoy them, it really means a lot 🙂 Definitely gonna keep those emails going 🙂 Hope you’re doing well!